Monday, July 24, 2006

Have U ever seen???

What are these?
May be U can see or may be not, but I want to share some of many special photos I had taken recent days for you. What are they? They are simple motorbikes U can see anywhere but in Ho Chi Minh City, there are so many.
I had short holiday in HCM City. And this is my first feeling about Ho Chi Minh’s life and people. When I came here, I did not note much about many high buildings, many crowded roads, many strange fruits, many modern cars… I especially took my notice about motorbikes which I always find on streets.
They are speciality and we can’t call “Cup” “Chali” “Win” “Dream” or “Wave” because they have not fixed type at all. We don’t know its origin or generation, too. They are human operation. Any details people can change, can combine or can remove. They usually have no “yem” (sorry, I don’t know this word in English). I think this situation show a freedom, libertine, comfort, convenience and people characteristic here.
They are humorous motors and the people who own them are humorous, too. With bad motors, people have to work hard also. But I can see many of them sit comfortable at cafĂ© club, karaoke, Internet, restaurant… or go into laundry… They work so hard but they always know how to have a comfortable life. How many they earn, how many they use, only live for today without worry and don’t care about tomorrow. That is people here! And this thing I had been heard before but really understand when I was here.
In particurlar here, U look at these motors only, u can see the owner. And also understand this area.
Wellcome HCM city and many interest waiting U!

- WTO -

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